Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Need the Easy Button!

There are so many days that I wish I could push the EASY button and well things would be easy. My kids would sleep in until 8am. They'd all fix their own breakfast and not complain about what's in the cupboard or refrigerator. They would get themselves dressed without being told or reminded 10 times. They'd brush their teeth and wash their faces. They would speak kind words to each other throughout the day. The younger ones would play nicely, take turns, and share the most desired toys. The older two would do all of their schoolwork without complaining. They'd listen to their teacher (me) and follow all directions. They would set and clear the table for lunch and dinner. At dinner, no one would interrupt prayer or mom and dad's conversation. Each of them would use a napkin and the proper utensils during their meal and ask to be excused from the dining room table. At bedtime the older two would help the little ones bathe, get pajamas on, brush their teeth and read books to them.                                                                                            
I would have plenty of time to do all of my chores and errands. There would be no piles of laundry on the couch or unmade beds. The floors would always be swept and there would be no piles of paper or dishes on any counters. I would have time to do photo albums and organize the entire house. I would always look presentable to my husband when he came home (showered, make-up and nicely dressed).


So here's what really happens. One of the kids wakes me up by 5:45 in the morning. I make them breakfast except the older two can make easier things like toast and cereal. We usually don't have what they want to eat like pop tarts, candy, and cookies. I have to remind the boys several times to get dressed. Lizzie is only two so I pick out her clothes and help her get dressed if needed. We're lucky if we make it out the door with everyone brushing their teeth, washing their faces, and all hair brushed. Most days someone forgets. Even though we homeschool we are out of our house no later than 8am four out of five days during the shcool week. I am constantly reminding them to speak kindly to one another. Sometimes they play really well together, but that can only last so long when one of them gets irritated by someone humming or someone else wants a certain toy. I think I hear, "That's too hard!" from Victoria or Nicholas commenting on one of their class assignments on a daily basis. I have to remind them that I'm the teacher and they need to listen to my instructions. I sometimes set and clear the table so I can have a quiet room for a short time. Mealtime manners are a work in progress. Bedtime is actually the easiest time of day if both Allan and I are home.
I feel like chores and errands never ever never ever never ever end. I usually have one pile of laundry laying on the couch. Sweeping should happen hourly but there's only one mommy. I still have papers to tackle and dishes to load. I haven't even started on Lizzie's baby photo album or printed any photos of her yet. I do get showers most days, but I definitely look like a typical mom in my blue jeans and hair pulled back. That's my reality! It may sound like I'm complaining, but I'm actually thankful because if my life was EASY or perfect I wouldn't have my job as a mom. I love the hugs & kisses I get daily. I enjoy singing, playing, teaching, and praying with my kids. Most days are really tough and I often want to throw my hands in the air and say "That't it!" But when they're all in bed and I can process with Allan the day I feel really blessed for my family, my husband and my life.                                                                                                                         

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Benjamin turned 4 1/2 yesterday. We started celebrating all of the kids half birthdays a few years back. They don't receive any gifts. We usually just let them pick out something sweet to eat for dessert. He picked out a red velvet cake.  He is energetic, happy, and lots of fun! I love his smile and curiousity for life. He also gets into lots of trouble for being so curious or because he does things he KNOWS he shouldn't do but wants to see what he can get away with. He really is trying to grow up fast. He says, "When I'm __ years old, I'm going ______." He sees Victoria and Nicholas doing things he can't do yet and it is really hard for him to understand that he can't physically, mentally, or emotionally do what they are doing. He gives everything 110%! We are so glad he blessed our lives on 10/5/2006. Below are a few photos that show off Benjamin's personality.
Benjamin put his blue blankie in the freezer to
cool off. He is waiting patiently.

Benjamin passed out in Arizona at my sister in law's house
after a long day of playing.

Benjamin taking a picture of himself. He cracked up
when he saw the picture.

He is always ready for a fight.

This is Benjamin's "I'm up to something" look.

Benjamin being silly.

He is always trying to look tough. This is
the look he gave his opponents when he
played basketball.