Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Family Traditions

A few weeks ago, I was sitting & eating lunch with some homeschooling moms and their kids. One of the moms asked me if we had any family Christmas traditions. I couldn't think of any at the time, but realized later we have lots. Some traditions we have tried to do every year and other traditions we do every other year or every few years. Here are some of our family traditions:

1. Decorating a gingerbread house (not building one - been there done that and I won't do that again)
2. Making, baking and decorating sugar cookies (We do this for most holidays since it is easy enough for all   kids to participate in)
3. Make a cake and sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus  (It is his birthday afterall. My kids asked what Jesus' favorite color was and what his favorite kind of cake would be. I told them I'm sure he'll like any flavor and color cake we make.)
4. Make treats for friends, neighbors, teachers, and family to give as gifts (We've made cookies in a jar, pretzels dipped in chocolate, cookies, brownies, etc)
5. Drive around and look at Christmas lights (We get bundled up in our car with coats & blankets and have hot cocoa to drink as we drive around in local neighborhoods or walk through Naples in Long Beach).
6. Go see or perform in Christmas performances (The last two years, Victoria has been in Christmas Joy, so we've gotten to see her perform at our church).
7. Decorate the Christmas tree together while listening to Christmas music even with toddlers (There is sometimes broken ornaments and I often have to rearrange ornaments, but the kids LOVE decorating.)
8. Make an Advent wreath (This year was our first time doing that with our church. We decorated a green wreath with ornaments, pinecones, and ribbon. We placed candles into the candle holders which were attached to the wreath and lit one for the first week. We sang songs together and meditated on scripture.)
9. Watch Christmas movies together (old ones and new ones too- Still my favorite is "It's a Wonderful Life")
10. Read books together about Christmas (I like "The Crippled Lamb" by Max Lucado)
11. Have the kids help put up the Nativity scene decorations (One year they put on a play at home about the birth of Christ. Victoria was Mary and Nicholas was Joseph. I think Ben, Allan and I were wise men and Lizzie played baby Jesus if she cooperated.)
12. Buy gifts for family or friends that have a missional purpose (Our church has been doing a missional marketplace the last 2 or 3 years. They have all kinds of gifts that you can buy and the profit goes to specific missionaries around the world. We bought coffee and homemade jam this year. And we bought and wrapped a toy for a foster child. I was able to explain the needs of other people in the U.S. and other countries to my children)

These are some traditions for Christmas that our family will continue to do. I want to find more ideas that I can do with my family where we can really focus on the true meaning of Christmas - the birth of Christ. I have in the past gotten sucked into the gift giving event that Christmas has become and I don't want that for myself or my family. Yes, we buy gifts for my kids and yes Santa comes to visit. But my fondest memories of Christmas are not of the toys that I received, but the time I've spent with my family and friends celebrating Jesus' birth. Email, comment or facebook me if you have any fun Christmas traditions.

Benjamin, Victoria and Audrey (Victoria's friend)
decorated this gingerbread house. We had to place
the houses up high away from little fingers.

Nicholas rolling out the dough for sugar cookies.

Benjamin loved picking out fun Christmas
cookie shapes.

As you can see, Victoria's cookie making station is very
clean. She was such a great big sister helping the little
ones roll and cut out their cookie shapes.

Here Lizzie is decorating her cookies with frosting and sprinkles.
If you look closely, you'll see a mountain of sprinkles.

Victoria and her friends from the Christmas Joy performance.

Our first Advent wreath in antipation of Christmas,
the birth of Christ.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Celebrating Birthdays

December is always a fun and busy month for us. We have Victoria's birthday on the 3rd. She turned eleven years old on Saturday. She has had a birthday party most years, but this year we are going to go to a tea house with just her, myself and Grandma Cynthia. Victoria celebrated her birthday on the first day of Bethany Church's Christmas Joy performance which she is singing and dancing in. They performed last weekend and again this weekend on December 10th & 11th at 3:30pm and 7pm. Anyway is welcome to go. She plays a hangtown kid and they sing and dance to many songs. She also gets to dress up in a sheep costume which she wasn't too happy dancing in. But doesn't she and her friend look adorable. We celebrated her birthday during breakfast time with cinnamon rolls, eggs, and pineapple. I decorated our dining room with streamers and signs. I have no pictures of her on her birthday because I left my camera at my in-laws the previous weekend. She was very excited to get some Paris-themed items as her birthday present since we are in the process of redoing her room in that theme. Paris is one of the places on her bucket list that she says she will be visiting or living one day. Victoria is a wonderful young girl. She is a sweet and loving daughter and sister. She is growing up ever so quickly. She still wants to sit on our lap or snuggle really close to us. I try to really take advantage of that time and not hurry to do something else because one day she may not want to sit next to me. Allan stops what he is doing whenever she wants to talk and he just listens. I love watching him joke around with her.
On Monday, the 5th, we celebrated Allan's birthday. Victoria & Nicholas helped me make a chocolate chocolate cake from scratch and boy was it DELICIOUS!!! You can see it in the photo and it doesn't look that pretty, but it sure tasted good. We never finish cake around here and I think there may be one slice left for Allan's dessert tomorrow. Nicholas and Victoria have never really decorated a cake before and I am not a cake decorator myself, but  Allan loved it anyways! All of us made him a card and he really seemed to enjoy his time with just us. I have to say he is an amazing man. He is so humble and kind! He really cares for us and I am fortunate to have him as my husband and as a father to our four children.

Allan with all his crazy, I mean adorable kids.

Allan and his mini-me, Benjamin. Ben would be in all the pictures if he could.

Lizzie & Daddy- He loves his little girl!

Nick & Daddy - They spend lots of time doing cub scout stuff together.

Victoria & Allan- She really enjoys her dates with daddy.

Here are Victoria and Audrey posing as good sheep.