Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Fun With Cousins

The Kids & Their Cousins: Can you tell their related?
Last week the kids had a blast spending time with their cousins. We decided we were going to go to this really fun musuem in Temecula called Pennypickle's Workshop. We called up Maddie & Sammie to see if they wanted to join us. It was a long drive (1 1/2 hours) as Benjamin asked, "When are we going to be there, mommy?" I brought lunches for all and we ate those in the van since I didn't know where a park was near the musuem. Benjamin kept us laughing with his silliness. I braved watching through Old Towne Temecula shops with six kids & no stroller for Lizzie. My nieces helped to keep Lizzie & Benjamin safe while crossing the street and obeying rules. We had to use up about an 1 hour until the next session. The kids entertained themselves in a cute kids boutique with toys & expensive children's clothing. They actually behaved very well. We splurged and bought Starbucks drinks (coffee free for the kids).

Here's the scoop on the musuem we ventured to. Pennypickle's workshop/Temecula's Children's Musuem is a 7500 square feet home cluttered with hands-on inventions, gadgets, experiments...and kids won't even know they're learning as they play! You walk into a very fun gift shop with lots of different things to take home. We left with a small butterfly finger puppet, a finger printing kit, a purple, glitterly night light, a green heart-shaped stone and a whistle. As you enter Professor Pennypickle's home the staff tells you to look for a penny & a pickle together. At those spots there is always something for the kids to look at, turn, touch, crank, stack, etc, etc. The kids love this place because you can touch almost everything. For kids who can read, the staff will give you a scavenger hunt and they get a small prize at the end. This was our second time going and we had a blast! Check out their website before you go. I'd say it is great for 18months on up:

This is Professor Pennypickle's Library

Lizzie enjoyed sitting in the time travel chair as the lights
dimmed and upbeat music played.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Time for Fun

Last week we had spent every day at the doctor. Lizzie had an eye infection and Nicholas had to have a laceration from camp looked at on Monday at the pediatrician. On Tuesday Victoria and Benjamin went to the ENT for their biannual visit and auditory test. Both stayed the same with their hearing loss. The doctor did think they needed allergy medicine though. I had scheduled Victoria's 10 year check-up for Wednesday and thankfully she didn't need any shots. But that same morning I found out that Ben needed a TB test for transitional kindergarten. He was not happy, but was very brave after he realized that it really didn't hurt. On Thursday, I had scheduled Nicholas and Elizabeth's ENT biannual appointment for their auditory test. Lizzie had not slept well the night before and as I suspected she had an ear infection. Nicholas' hearing stayed the same and Lizzie is still showing no hearing loss. Yea!! Finally on Friday we only had to have Ben's arm looked at for his TB test. Then we ran all of his paperwork over to the school district's office. He is now officially enrolled in a transitional kindergarten class. I even know his teacher's name. So after a week of doctor's visit we were ready for some fun.
First we met up with some friends at the Belmont Pier for this pirate festival. The kids did crafts, a treasure hunt, obstacle course, and a giant slide. We couldn't resist the yummy selling kettle corn. The best part was
hanging out in the shade watching our kids beat on buckets with wooden sticks. One of the craft ladies brought them over to us. Then we all headed over to Chili's to meet up with more friends for lunch. It was fun just hanging out with friends, enjoying our beautiful weather and watching our kids have fun!
A craft to lift the spirits (fill an egg with some favorite things,
seal with stickers, and as you shake it think positive thoughts)

The kids had a blast beating the buckets and drawing
in the sand with the sticks. We enjoyed the shade.

Mommy and daddy are letting me make lots
of beautiful noise. I'm a beach princess!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Moms Have Needs Too

I have been overwhelmed lately with life. Raising kids and taking care of a home is not easy. Then add homeschooling on top of it all. I realized that I spend very little time on myself. As I read a book, "What Every Mom Needs", I was reminded that I have needs too. Somehow my needs get pushed aside because I'm so busy making sure everyone else is happy and that their needs are met. I'm not trying to sound selfish or feeling sorry for myself. I'm just realizing that in order for me to be a happier mom, wife, and person I need to start taking care of myself. That way I can be more attentive and patient with my children. That way I can not be anger or frustrated with people. That way I can plan more fun in my life. My challenge for myself is to take better care of me. Here are some of the things I'd like to do more of: - Spend time with friends
- Exercise more constitently
- Visit the doctor - get a physcial - check my health
- Get a pedicure
- Enjoy a movie with friends or my husband
- Go out to dinner once per month alone with my husband
- Go to the beach or park alone (and walk or journal or read my bible)
- Have unplanned fun (and be okay that it's not preplanned)
- Get a haircut & color weave more often
- Read my bible 15-20 minutes daily (uninterrupted)
- More one-on-one time with each child (mother/child dates)
These are just a few things that I quickly thought of.

The first page of this book I'm reading, read...
           Mom, what do you need most?

A sanity check.
To know that I'm normal.
To know that I'm a good mother.
Time with my husband.
Time off.
Time alone.
Time with God.
More energy.
A break.
A nap.
A housekeeper.
A secretary.
A nanny.
A dishwasher that loads itself and a vacuum that runs by remote control.
A vacation.
Adult conversation.
A best friend.
Someone to understand how I feel.
To know that being a mother is important.

As I read this list I began to cry. Yes, this is what I need! All of them is exactly what I need. I've somehow forgotten how to take care of myself these past few years. I want to be completely happy with who I am, how I treat others, and how I honor God. I am glad that I can recognize what I need. Now the next step is just doing it.

One of my favorite places to relax and read is the beach.

Pedicures are great! I am in need of one.