Saturday, August 27, 2011

Organization Part 1

I love to organize! Since having my third and fourth child I feel like I've really slacked on keeping up with my house and general organization. I'm trying to get back on track a little at a time. Organization does take time, but it is well worth it!! I have friends ask, "How do I do it all and get things accomplished with four kids?" And the answer is I don't get to do it all. Many things that I'd like to do like keeping my closet completely clean & organized or having my garden free of weeds just can't happen all the time. I'm going to give you some tips that I've learned from others or from my own experiences on ways that my family tries to stay organized. Here are a few tips with photos to go along with it.
1.  Start them young! Teach them how to clean and organize.
I was just reading a book about how we have to show our kids how to do things the right way over and over and over and over again. They need lots of practice and we need to be patience when teaching them. If they are having trouble doing a chore like putting the dishes away, we need to physically help them, show them, and model for them how to do it. If they leave the back door open, call them over and have them practice closing the door several times. I get lots of whining about chores, but I remind myself that one day they'll thank me.

2. Use disposable plates
I read in a book about a women who
uses paper plates so they have less
dishes to clean. Since my kids are home
all day it was worth spending the extra
money on paper goods, so I'd spend less
time washing dishes. I know there is
the recycling issue, but our family is
really good about recycling everything.
We don't use paper plates for all meals.
Pictured above are thin paper plates
that we bought from Costco and then
we insert them into plastic plate holders
to make them sturdy. Those don't have to
washed as often.

3.  Use different colored cups for each
family member. Our family can go through
so many cups in one day, so we try to stick
with one cup per day. They each know their
color, so they can remember which cup to
drink out of and refill.

4. Have some type of shoe organization.
We have three shoebaskets. This is Lizzie's basket pictured
 here. She is 2 1/2 and knows exactly where to put her shoes
away and where to get them to put them on. We have
another by the front door and one by the back door.

This is our shoe basket by the back door. I keep
my own shoes in my bedroom. We mainly keep the
kids shoes in the baskets. Allan shoes tend to end up in
the baskets as well. These are shoes that they wear
most often like flip flops, sandals or athletic shoes.

Shoes that are worn less often or that are dressier
are kept in their rooms hanging on the inside of
closet doors in the organization pockets. I put
Victoria's boots in a large plastic bin in her closet.

5. Separate underwear & socks in containers in drawers.
All of the kids have a drawer with 2-4 containers. I buy the containers
at Target or Walmart for about $1. One is for underwear, one for socks,
one for tank tops (boys), and one for other accessories like belts.
This makes it really easy for the kids to put away their own clothes
and I don't have to fold their underwear.

6. Have a bag for almost every activity.
I store our most used bags in this basket next to our piano.
We have Lizzie's backpack, a piano bag, Ben's backpack,
 Nicholas' backpack and Victoria overnight bag since she is
always spending the night somewhere. We have other bags
that are used less frequently stored in our closets. 
Well I hope that I inspired some of you to go and clean out a drawer, a basket, or a closet. These are all examples of what works for our family. You may have a different idea that would work better for your space and your family. I just hope that I got you thinking and organizing.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our 2011-2012 School Year

This post is for families who homeschool or just interested in seeing what we try to accomplish in a year. I've had several people suggest I post what type of curriculum I use for school so other families can see what homeschooling is like. We have only completed one year of homeschooling, so I am in no way an expert. I have received lots of advice from other homeschooling families, from websites, and homeschooling conventions. I am learning some subjects right along with my kids as I teach them. Last year I used mostly ABeka and Saxon since my kids had used that at their private school they had previously attended. We were very happy with those two curriculum choices, but we wanted to try something new. We have joined a program called Classical Conversations(CC for short) which you can read more about at We will be meeting with a local community of CC every week for 24 weeks this year. I am looking forward to it and what my kids and I will learn from other homeschooling families.

Here is what our year will look like:

Character Building for Families (Both) This a great book that uses specific character traits (ex: truthfulness) and then uses the Bible to illustrate that character trait. It guides the parent with a script on what you can ask your children to make sure they are comprehending the verses and the meaning behind the story/verse. There are also 1-2 bible verses that they would memorize with each character trait. I used this part of last year.

Language -
ABeka Language 3, Spelling 3 (Nicholas)
Essentials of the English Language (Victoria)
Our Mother Tongue: A Guide to English Grammar (Victoria)
IEW for writing (Victoria)
U.S. History Based Writing Lessons IEW (Victoria)
Vocabulary from Classical Roots (Victoria)

I don't assign reading books. We go to the library every couple of weeks. My kids read a lot! I am fortunate that I not need to motivate them to read. If I want them to read a book, I will simply leave it lying around and one of them will pick it up and start reading. They get reading comprehension from their history, science, and language assignments. They like to tell Allan and I about the books they've read verbally as well. I will probably have them also do a few simple book reports.

Saxon Math 3 (Nicholas)
Saxon Math 6/5 (Victoria)

We are studying U.S. History this year and will check out many biographies and books on U.S. history.
ABeka Our American Heritage (Nicholas)
Story of the World Vol. 3 & 4
Veritas Press History Timeline Series (from Old Testament to Present)

will learn to draw and memorize all 50 states and their capitals

Classical Acts and Facts Science Cards: Anatomy, Chemistry, & Origins
201 Awesome, Magical, Bizarre & Incredible Experiments
My Body
We will also check out other books at the library on the human anatomy & chemistry. We'll be doing at least one science experiment per week with Classical Conversations. My kids love to do experiments, so I bought 10 experiment books for them to tinker with. I have just have to monitor Nicholas.

Health for the Glory of God by Rod & Staff (both)
Choir (Victoria)
Piano (both)
Art - Drawing with Children (both), Discovering Great Artists (both), Classical Music for Dummies (both), will learn to play the tin whistle with Classical Conversations
P.E. - hiking, roller blading, biking, running, flag football(Nick), basketball, and other large motor skill activities
Computer - Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Version 18
Latin - through our Classical Conversations program we will learn John 1:1-7 in Latin

As I scroll back through this list it seems like a lot. We'll see what we can accomplish. We are not planning on going through each book entirely in one year. I left out a little of what we'll be doing with Classical Conversations. The CC program is lots of memory work for all the main subjects (Math, English, History, Science, Geography, and Latin). They'll be memorizing weekly grammar sentences or words in each subject which will help them as they get older and need that specific piece of information. Also, for hands-on projects they do a weekly science project and something with the arts as part of the CC program.

I pray that most importantly I rely on Christ in everything I do and say with my kids in teaching them this year. I am excited about our second year of homeschooling!!