Saturday, November 24, 2012

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Wow! I can't believe my oldest will be twelve in two weeks. I am truly a proud mama because of what a wonderful young women she is becoming. She inspires me each and every day with her perservance and how she challenges herself to try and do new things. We are alike in many ways, so I can relate with her when she is frustrated and I understand why she does certain things. She surprises me with how she challenges herself to try things that I would think would be unachievable based her personality.

About nine months ago, Victoria did a presentation in her Foundations class on being a vegeterian. Shortly after, she decided to try out a vegeterian diet. I think she lasted a little over a week and then stopped. But then, she decided she was going to give it her all and completely eat a vegeterian diet. There was no end date and honestly we weren't sure of the exact reason. I know that she has never cared for most meats. She has always been a really good eater by eating her fruits and vegetables and monitoring not just what she eats, but how much. One reason she decided to be a vegeterian was to prove to others, especially her dad, that she could do it. Friends and family question her, which is fine, but upsetting to her at times. She also has always been squeamish of many things including the killing of animals and seeing raw meat. I am proud of her for trying something that may be different from her friends and family and for sticking with it. Her health has been great and she has even gained weight this year.

Every year our church goes on a mission trip to Mexico to help families with their medical and dental needs, to fix cars, to do construction, to put on a carnival and to share the Gospel. If any of you know Victoria, you would know that she worries about many things. She has a fear of germs, so she steers clear of sick people. She does not like to use public bathrooms. She honestly doesn't like the outdoors because of dirt & dust. She really doesn't like being out of her comfort zone with people. I had heard about the Border Run mission trip to Mexico and casually mentioned it to her. She wasn't interested in it. Then one Sunday, she came home from church after the staff had promoted it in the Jr. High group. Victoria and the other Jr. Highers were allowed to go with the Jr. High staff where anyone younger has to have a parent accompany them. I was blown away when she told Allan and I that she wanted to go. She did not know if any of her friends were going or not. She decided on her own that she wanted to go. She was hesitant to ask us because the cost to go is $110. Allan and I talked about it and knew that even though money was really tight that we had to say yes because she was willing to trust God and do something that would be completely out of her comfort zone. It wasn't us wanting it for her but her willingness to go and be a disciple.

On the day before her trip to Mexico, she was so nervous and she wanted to back out. She was going to a foreign country without her parents. She was going on her first mission trip. She didn't speak the language. I was not nervous because she was traveling with many experienced Christians who had traveled to this location before. They had a plan. Her small group leader and many of her friends ended up going as well. When I picked her up after the trip, she gave me a big hug and said, "It was so much fun!" As we drove home, I asked her, "Would you go again?" She answered, "No, well, maybe, because Audrey will probably talk me into it." I laughed as she shared her experiences. First, I had spoken to several adults that she was a vegeterian, so if they could assist her if meat was primarily served. Thankfully, all the meals had something she could easily eat. She shared about the bathroom experience of having to use an outhouse. We laughed together as she explained that she was paired up with a little girl to play with and that little girl threw up after going on the merry go round. She told me about how fun it was working a carnival booth for the kids. I think she really learned that even though she has many fears and anxieties about life that she can manage those things and learn to overcome them with God's help. God will work through her and it isn't about how hard she tries, but how much she relies on the Lord for help. I am so proud of her for her willingness to be used by God.

My little girl is certainly growing up and I am enjoying watching her learn, grow and sometimes stumbling but then getting right back up.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Benefield Bunch Fall 2009
This picture is of our family the Benefield Bunch while I was pregnant with our last child, Elizabeth. We knew Elizabeth would be our last child. Many people after having their first, second, or third child and so on wonder if they will have any more children. The question we often ask others after they've had a child is, "Are you going to have any more?" I know for me when I couldn't answer that question then that meant I could see more children in our future. But how do you KNOW you are DONE? Well, when I was pregnant with Lizzie we were so sure that our family would soon be complete with our 4th child that Allan had a vasectomy before she was even born. We had no doubts at all.

This past Friday, I had to have a hysterectomy for medical reasons and having nothing to do with family planning. But with this surgery I realized that now I will never be able to have another child.
I honestly am okay with that because God has already given me peace about the size of our family and I know that our family is complete. I still feel that sadness though that I will never be pregnant again and craddling my own new child in my arms. But God has other plans, doesn't he.......

At a recent progressive dinner for my homeschooling group, our director had us pick a card out of a basket with a verse on it. This was my verse:

Therefore with loving-kindness I have drawn you. Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt. -Jeremiah 31:3-4.

At first, I wasn't sure how this verse was meant for me. Then with another mom's help she said, well literally you are being rebuilt with your upcoming surgery. With much anxiety with my surgery, this verse brought me peace and understanding. Until you've gone through something yourself you are able to have sympathy but not able to have emphathy for a person going through a similar situation. I think my reason for writing this blog is to say that God is reshaping me and molding me into a different person. It won't be an overnight transition but God knows that I need to slow down, be still, and listen to Him. With four children to tend to, it is difficult and some days impossible to slow down and to listen to what God is calling me to do. He wants me to be slower in how I react to my children and to observe more so I can really understand things with more clarity. God is doing this with love and kindness. He is helping me to see that we are all different. We don't all see things the same way or respond to things in the same manner. He created us uniquely and I am so grateful for that.  Honestly, this recovery time following my surgery is allowing me to look at how I do things, how I treat others, and how others see me.

How is God building or rebuilding you? Are you paying attention? Are you listening? Are you slowing down to hear Him?