Monday, February 6, 2012

Tears from Loss

This year I've had two big losses in my life. One loss is my Grandma Dixie who passed away in November. Although, I can't say we were really close, she did have an impact on my life. When I was about four years old, my mom stopped attending church because of her phobia about hearing about the end of the world. My dad would still take my brother and I to church every Sunday. It became increasingly more difficult for us to go when our mom stayed at home. Since my dad and grandfather sang in the choir and had to rehearse early, my Grandma Dixie would pick us up for church. As we sat in grandma's car, we knew to hold on tight because grandma had a lead foot. My grandma was always kind and would try not to say anything about my mom not attending. She loved us and loved my mom and dad. She was secretary of Rogers Middle School in Long Beach. When she went out of the office, she would say, "If anyone calls take a message, but if my daughter in law Cynthia calls, come and get me." She knew she needed to be there for my mom. Although, we didn't always understand what my mom was going through, I love how my Grandma loved her anyways. Isn't that reflecting God's love? I think so. I always saw her serving whether it was stuffing church bulletins, bringing someone a meal or helping in a ministry. I will miss her!

Another great loss this year was my dearest and closest friend, April and her family who moved on the other side of the United States to Massachusetts/Rhode Island area. We will still remain great friends and plan to find a way to visit each other, but I was very sad when I found out that they were moving. About a year ago, she called me and invited me to lunch. As we ate our lunch, I braced myself for what she was going to share with me. She already had twins boys. Was she pregnant? Did I do something to hurt her feelings. I had no idea. Let me back up 32 years ago. We met when we were five years old in the Kindergarten sandbox as our moms were signing us up for Kindergarten. Although, April was held back in Kindergarten and went to another elementary & jr. high school we remained close friends. Our moms took us shopping together. We were in the YMCA's Indian Maidens program together. We hung out a lot. Since we were at separate schools until high school we had a different group of friends. After college, she moved to Nevada and we began writing each other. When she moved back to California, we were able to hang out again. But what really astonished me was her transformation. She has always been a sweet and kind hearted person. But now she was a sweet and kind hearted person with Christ in her life. I remember her asking me about my family's church when she moved back to CA. April and her husband started attending our church and then God did the rest. The transformation that took place was that she learned to trust in God and let Him decide what direction to go or which path to take. So fast forward back to us eating at the Elephant Bar where she is telling her best friend that she is leaving/moving. She shared with me that afternoon that she had prayed and God placed it on her heart for her family to move to the East Coast to be close to her husband's family. She was scared, had never lived in the snow and didn't know the plans that God had for her. I cried that night and have continued to cry this past year. She is a dear friend that accepts me for ALL of my mistakes. I can't wait to visit April, Ken, and their adorable twin boys. I know right now life has been challenging for them, but I am amazed at how faithful my friend has been in relying on Christ.

One of my favorite bible verses:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.      Proverbs 3:5-6